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Greatest Story
What we Believe


That God exists and is complete in Himself. He reveals Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit – three persons, but one God. He created everything, including man, whom He created specially, in the image of God for fellowship with God. In the beginning, all was perfect.

That man’s sin (rebellion against his Creator) brought the curse of death and decay onto the creation. Sin results in death for all because all have sinned and God is “too pure to look upon evil” and cannot tolerate our rebellion towards Him and His direction for our lives. Apart from God’s grace man is helpless and hopeless.

That God loved us so much He sent His Son to be born – Jesus, the son of a virgin. Jesus lived a sinless life and paid the penalty for our sin by dying in our place, so that all who trust in Him will be saved from the penalty and the power of sin and be reconciled to God.

That Jesus rose from the dead, proving that He had conquered sin and death and is the Lord and Saviour of all who trust in Him. He returned to Heaven to reign at the right hand of the Heavenly Father.

That those who want to follow Jesus should do as the Bible reveals, beginning with repentance (turning away from sin), and trusting in the death and resurrection of Jesus. To be a Christian is to know God personally through Jesus Christ and belong to His family of adopted children. Christians have a Commitment to a local Fellowship as a part of God’s purpose for His children.

That the Holy Spirit convicts people of their sinfulness, leads them to faith in Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and brings them to spiritual birth as God’s children. He indwells all true Christians, making real the presence of Christ, teaching, purifying, bestowing gifts for service, empowering for witness and bringing forth fruitful living.

That the Church’s commission is to seek to share the gospel, the momentous news of rescue and salvation.


That the Bible is the fully trustworthy (infallible) word of God to mankind. All the Bible is God-breathed, so it has supreme authority in all that it affirms.


That Jesus will return to the Earth, the dead will be resurrected, and He will judge every person. All who have rejected the love of God in Jesus face a Christ-less eternity - hell itself. All who have received adoption into the family of God will enjoy the presence of the Lord forever. The present corrupt system will be destroyed and a new heaven and a new earth will be created.

On Sundays CRPC meets at 9:30am at Crossroads Ministry Centre. There is a creche for babies and kid's church for Primary aged kids.


Our Ministry Centre is air conditioned and we meet to pray from 9am prior to the service. There is a variety in the music mix including both contemporary and well loved songs. There is time to share and pray. A portion of our time is spent looking at the Bible seeking to know God’s mind and heart. We seek to be challenged and encouraged in our walk with the Lord Jesus. God’s word impacts on all of life.
We love meeting in the covered area with a cuppa or cold drink after the service to catch up and get to know each other.






On Sundays
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